Nanoemulsion Synthesis of Javanese Long Pepper Extract (Piper retrofractum Vahl): Study of VCO:Tween 80 Ratio and Homogenisation Time
Askur Rahman , Mojiono Mojiono , Hamzah Fansuri , Diah Ayu PuspitaDOI:
Vol. 12 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa Pertanian dan BiosistemKeywords:
homogenisation, nanoemulsion, Piper retrofractum Vahl, Tween 80Articles
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Piperine obtained from Javanese long pepper extract is an essential compound, but it has the disadvantage of being insoluble in water, so its bioavailability is low. One of the efforts that can be made to overcome this is by changing the size to nano, such as making nanoemulsion preparations. The study aims to determine the effect of VCO:Tween 80 ratio and homogenization time on nanoemulsion characteristics of Javanese long pepper extract. The research method utilized a completely randomized design by treating VCO:Tween 80 ratio and homogenization time. The research parameters included an organoleptic, percent transmittance, pH, viscosity, piperine content, particle size, polydispersity index, and zeta potential. This research resulted in a percent transmittance value of 97.05-99.55%, pH 4.89-5.56, viscosity 0.35-0.76 cP, piperine content 6.29-12.25%, particle size 41.482 nm and 266.62 nm, polydispersity index 0.7446 and 0.4358, zeta potential -4.443 mV, and -2.166 mV. The study is expected to be a reference in utilizing piperine content to benefit spices and medicines.
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